

Auriga is an open source distributed collaborative and multi platform system for the calculation of the function Perft.

How does it work

The tree is divided into tasks, each task will be analyzed from a single machine (worker) and the result will be sent automatically to this site. When all tasks are processed you will have the result of perft.


Download auriga for your platform and copy the folder somewhere in your file system, set the environment variable AURIGA_ROOT example in ubuntu insert in the file ~/.bashrc

export AURIGA_ROOT="/your/path/auriga_root" for windows click here.

The directory auriga_root contains another folder named worker with some configuration engines, see here for the configuration of the worker.

Launch a worker

Before launching a worker you must have configured.

You can launch a worker on:

  • A random perft and task not yet completed, go here select a worker and click on Generate command for random perft/task copy and paste the generated command in a shell on your machine.
  • A random task on a given perft not yet completed, go here click on a perft and click on Generate command for random tasks copy and paste the generated command shell on your machine.
  • A specific task - the previous page click on a task and then on Generate command copy and paste the generated command shell on your machine.

See also